July 16, 2016

Gion Matsuri Memories

This summer our beautiful hanamachi hold a new annual event known as Gion Matsuri. This is replica of the real event hold in Kyoto every year since 869 and from now on visitors of Miyagawacho Hanamachi can witness it with their own eyes. During the real gion matsuri in Kyoto, young Maiko from every district participate in it by dancing a special dance. For example, Maiko san from Gion Kobu dance "Suzume Odori" or "Sparrow dance" and maiko from Miyagawacho perform "Konchiki ondo".
This year, for the pleasure of our honorable guests,  Kikutsuru san, Kikumaru san and Kikune san danced "Konchiki ondo". The name of the dance comes from distinctive Konchiki chain of Gion Bayashi folk music. They wore special white thin kimono with hakata obi (obi sash with hakata-ori textile) which was pink against a white background in Ushiromi musubi (a way of knotting the obi sash) style. In their hands they hold an uchiwa fan with crests of festival and the Yasaka shrine. 
After the dance, guests were able to make memorable photos with Maiko san from Hanafusa okiya.

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